Tuesday, March 3, 2009

On Fire

I think I am going to start a campaign here in Wichita to lay down road spikes or whatever they are called. You know, the rubber strips with pointy tire puncturing metal standing at attention, waiting for the squishy rubber to role over them. They curl up like a garden hose for portability; it would be very easy to sit in my lawn chair, role them out between the hours of 2pm and 4pm and see what happens.

I would like to place these spikes in school zones and for those who speed through these zones, they will suffer the consequences. The spikes should be speed sensitive so when someone exceeds the designated limit, POP! I don't think getting to your afternoon cocktail hour with the girls or getting to a tee time with the guys will be as important as possibly wrecking your car or having to replace your tires more often.

I am sure you have to be able to read to pass the driving test. How can you miss the words SCHOOL ZONE! I think it will be a wonderful incentive for people to slow down. If the speedsters cannot read, the big orange/yellow flashing light should indicate a slower speed.

All I can think about when people speed past my car is "what if they hit a kid?" I am sure they'd slow down then. Sitting in a 6x9 seems like a lot of fun, maybe that's why they speed. I know I love being on another persons schedule. I guess you wouldn't have to worry about whose cooking dinner tonight.

Just a little rant, I needed to get it off my chest.

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