Tuesday, July 20, 2010

One check or separate

I am so annoyed! Actually, the word annoyed doesn't describe how I am feeling. If I could be like Superman and shoot lasers out of my eyes, I would.

Josh and I like to go out to eat every so often. We like chatting, experiencing things I can't make at home, and being served. One of my pet peeves when dining is around check time. I've noticed there has been a new wave of check presenting. It goes like this, Would you like this on one check, or would you like separate checks? It seems like we get asked this question EVERYTIME we go out. I noticed it a long time ago, but now that we are married, it pisses me off. It just bothered me a little before.

When we were in KC, I had a little conversation with our server at the Cheesecake Factory. It went something like this:
Me smiling: I have a quick question for you.
Server smiling: Sure, go ahead.
Me still smiling: Do you ask all your tables if they are going to be on one check or separate?
Server still smiling: I usually only ask if it is a party of six or more.
Me smiling with one raised eyebrow: Oh, OK, then why did you ask us?
Server confused: I am not sure
Me done smiling: Oh, well, this is my husband and I was just curious because that happens to us a lot.
Server more confused than ever: Oh.

I don't think it is the question I mind; I know it's the presumptuous nature of the whole thing that bothers me...and the fact that we hold hands across the table. If we aren't a couple, I guess we have to begin making out at the table so we don't get asked this question. Maybe the servers have been trained that women these days are soooo independent while on a date, they might like to pay for their own meal. WTF. If you are going to pay for one meal, on a date, I would rather drive-thru than waste time and money on a sit down establishment. Do they ask that question of couples at Ruth's Chris or Morton's? I wonder if Le Bernardin asks that question of its guests.

Just sit the GD check down at the end of the table and let your guests figure it out. If they want separate checks, they will TELL YOU!!!!