Thursday, December 4, 2008

So, I get a text this morning from my cousin. The first one is "Hi." She never texts me like that, there is usually more to it. She asks things like, "when are you coming home, or did you hear about this or that, or I saw so and so...they asked how you were doing, ect." This one was a little different. I immediately thought something happened to her daughter, her sister, her mother, or my parents. It was nothing like that. THANKFULLY!

I then thought, maybe she is pregnant again. You know the sound car tires make when they come to a "screeching" halt? That was the sound in my head...because she has a girlfriend. I would imagine it would be very difficult to get pregnant that way, but who knows, anything can happen, we have freaking pregnant men for God's sake. That wasn't it either. She then dropped the bomb that her baby's daddy was in the hospital because he tried to kill himself last night.

Seriously, WTF. I immediately became enraged because to look at their daughter and see her precious face and then laugh at her because she is 4 and pimptastic. Once again, I will say it, she is 4. She has not one, but two boyfriends. She kills me. Her eyes sparkle and her hair is the ipitome of "curly locks." She is two maybe three feet tall and when watching t.v., she extends her little legs on the couch, crosses her ankles, and raises her arms above her head to intertwine her fingers behind the curly locks. In a lot of ways, she is like a little adult. I remember being home a few months ago and she was 3 at the time. Her grandmother called her tricky. "Miss thang," as I like to call her, proceeded to put one of her 3 year old hands on her hip, slightly bend over and say to her aunt, her grandmother, and I , while shaking a finger at us, "No, no no, you all are tricky." I am really bad at encouraging small children to do things they aren't supposed to do because I think it is funny. So, I began to laugh histarically; we all did. It was funny. So why would he want to leave someone so amazing? It boggles my mind.

I know he and my cousin have had their differences, but if anything, he should want to live for his daughter because she is such a joy and a gift. Over the years, it has become increasingly hard to understand how he can say he loves "Miss thang" because sometimes, well, a lot of times, getting back at my cousin for dumping his sorry ass consumes his every action. Once she was born, he needed to realize it wasn't all about him anymore, it was all about his daughter.

My cousin grew up with my father basically being her father. Her biological father died when she was really really little. My father grew up in a foster home. Those two situations I would never wish on anyone, especially someone as wonderful as his daughter. The past two/three years of custody battles are now lost. All the effort he put into gaining his daughter full time got washed away with the bottle of tylenol he decided to down. It just makes me want to wake him up and shake him, then ask him what he was thinking to end with GROW THE "F" UP!

I hope gaining the attention of your family, baby's mama, and her family was worth it you POS!

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