Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Like Lightening

Every Sunday Josh and I grocery shop at our local Dillon's Marketplace (there is no other place to shop in Wichita; I don't like being forced to do things). We like going before church lets out and the flood gates open with mom and dad in their Sunday best with little Bobby and Billy in tow raking havoc upon the store.

Dillon's Marketplace is about the size of a Sam's Club or Costco but with the grocery store feel. It is not as nice as Publix, but it is a far cry from Winn Dixie or Food Lion. The Marketplace is truly a one stop shop, you can pick groceries up, mail letters, check out library books, pick up your pharmaceuticals (those necessary and those for the "over worked" soccer moms). Valium on aisle four, cookies aisle eight.

What really amazes me about the grocery store is that you can also furnish your entire home. When we first moved to Wichita, it was a little weird. I felt like we were back in 1832 and shopping at the general store because that is kind of what it is.

Anyway, this Sunday, we were a little late getting to the store. Josh's parents came to visit and it took a little bit to say our goodbyes. We make it to the store around 11:30-12CST and there were patrol cars in front of both entrances. I thought they might be stopping by to refuel on Starbucks and pastries, boy was I wrong.

We make our way through the store grabbing our essentials for the week: tuna, check; bread, check; chunky kid running through the store being chased by the police, check.

As we stood at the check out and unloaded our cart we heard a commotion. The manager in his bright red shirt was screaming "Catch him! Catch him!" We turned to or right and there he was, lightening. I call him lightening because he probably outweighed the toned officer chasing him by a good 70lbs. He shot past us and out the front door where some other officers were patiently waiting for him and placed him in the back of the police car. The chase was great! It was our own little Kentucky Derby in the Dillon's in Wichita! Lightening is off to a good start. He is out of the gate quickly with almost a full store length from Toned Officer. Lightening makes his way around the bend and out the door. Oh, no, Toned Officer's agility is off, he crashes into the stack of hand baskets...oh, wait, he's up and after him...

As we walked to the car, all I thought was this kid went from facing charges on petty theft to
resisting arrest, assaulting an officer, and general stupidity. Note: don't run from the people with guns. They usually win. For Lightening's stupidity, I was kind of rooting for him to get away because he out ran a man in better shape and it was the general highlight of my day.

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